Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Pakistan, Akan Rakhmetullin visited CGSS on Monday and met Major General Syed Khalid Amir Jaffery HI(M), (Retd) – President CGSS.
During the meeting matters of mutual cooperation’s including tourism, economy and media presence were discussed.
Future collaborations in the field of Education and promoting cultural exchange were also scrutinized.
The Ambassador appreciated CGSS’s efforts in national and international partnerships as well as CGSS’s efforts to promote bilateral ties between Central Asian countries.
It was decided that CGSS will jointly work with the Embassy of Kazakhstan for strengthening bilateral ties and initiating projects in the fields of Research, Analysis and Cultural sphere.
The meeting was also attended by Arman Tynybek- Counselor, Embassy of Kazakhstan, Ashfaq Ahmed Gondal, Former Federal Secretary of Information and Senior Member Advisory Board CGSS, Lt Col Khalid Taimur Akram (Retd) – Executive Director CGSS and Ms. Mehreen Gul – Director CGSS.